
CertifyCar e-car

Unser Premium Gutachten für gebrauchte Elektroautos im In- und Ausland. Außerdem ermitteln wir den Zustand der Batterie mit unserer innovativen Technologie per Fernwartung und stellen Ihnen ein Batteriezertifikat aus.


What our battery certificate for used electric cars contains:

  • With our innovative technology, we use remote maintenance to determine the condition of the battery for used electric cars in Germany and abroad (Germany, Austria, Spain, Portugal).
  • We will send you a diagnostic connector the size of a smartphone to the address you require, which can be connected to the vehicle in a few seconds using the instructions provided.
  • Following diagnostics, the plug may simply be returned to us and we will send you a digital battery certificate in your desired languages within a maximum of 72 hours.
  • You can download a sample certificate here .

Our expert report for used electric cars CertifyCar E-Auto contains:

  • Our battery certificate for electric cars (see above).
  • For all used electric cars at home and abroad.
  • Our premium expert report for used electric cars at home and abroad. In addition, we determine the condition of the battery with our innovative technology via remote maintenance and issue you a battery certificate.
  • Checking the basic data such as the chassis number, first registration, the mileage and other vehicle data.
  • Technical assessment in extensive visual and functional tests of
    • Tires
    • Rims
    • Brakes
    • Lighting
    • Test drive if technically and legally possible
    • Unterbody test, if locally possible
  • Examination of the body
    • Paint layer measurement
    • Dents, dents, oxidation and corrosion
    • Repainting or repair work
    • Visual inspection for previous damage and hidden damage
  • Moreover, we check
    • The interior condition incl. seats, upholstery, headliners and carpets
    • Verification of the vehicle and equipment variant
    • Valid operating permit for add-on parts and accessories
    • All vehicle documents for completeness
  • The photo documentation contains
    • Standard exterior and interior shots incl. Speedometer, mileage and chassis number
    • Pictures of any technical damage

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Wählen Sie aus, ob das zu begutachtende Fahrzeug im Inland (Ihrem Land) oder im Ausland steht. 

Als 2. wählen Sie in welchem Land das Fahrzeug steht.  Zur Auswahl stehen alle Länder, in denen wir unseren Service anbieten.

Wählen Sie nun aus, in welcher Altersgruppe sich Ihr Fahrzeug befindet. Dazu haben wir maximal 3 Auswahlmöglichkeiten.

Wählen Sie nun aus, in welcher Preisgruppe sich Ihr Fahrzeug befindet. Dazu haben wir maximal 4 Auswahlmöglichkeiten. 

Das Beispiel zusammengefasst:

Ihr zu begutachtendes Fahrzeug steht in Ihrem Land indem Sie Wohnen. In diesem Fall Deutschland. 

Ihr Fahrzeug darf maximal 15 Jahre alt und nicht teurer als 30.000€ sein.

Select whether the vehicle to be inspected is located domestically (in your country) or abroad.

Secondly, select the country the vehicle is located in. You can choose from all countries in which we offer our service.

Now select which age group your vehicle is in. We have a maximum of 3 options to choose from.

Now select which price group your vehicle is in. We have a maximum of 4 options to choose from.

The example summarized:

The vehicle you are inspecting is located in the country where you live. In this case, Germany.

Your vehicle must be no more than 15 years old and not cost more than €30,000.