
DGT report (for Spain)


The “DGT report” is a special service for vehicles registered in Spain. This report is prepared by our experienced vehicle experts and is essential for anyone who owns or wants to purchase a vehicle in Spain.

What does the DGT report contain?

Our DGT report offers a comprehensive assessment of the vehicle according to the standards of the Spanish Transport Authority (Dirección General de Tráfico – DGT). It involves a thorough review of all relevant aspects of the vehicle, including its technical condition, safety features and environmental impact. In addition, the report ensures that the vehicle complies with applicable Spanish regulations and requirements.

Why is the DGT report important?

A DGT report is crucial to ensure the registration and legal operation of your vehicle in Spain. It also serves as important evidence of the condition and characteristics of the vehicle, which is of great importance to both the vehicle owner and potential buyers.

How do you receive the DGT report?

Ordering the DGT report is easy and straightforward via our online portal. Our experts are at your disposal to collect all the necessary information and make the process as smooth as possible. Once the valuation has been completed, you will receive the report in a clear and understandable format containing all relevant details of your vehicle.

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Wählen Sie aus, ob das zu begutachtende Fahrzeug im Inland (Ihrem Land) oder im Ausland steht. 

Als 2. wählen Sie in welchem Land das Fahrzeug steht.  Zur Auswahl stehen alle Länder, in denen wir unseren Service anbieten.

Wählen Sie nun aus, in welcher Altersgruppe sich Ihr Fahrzeug befindet. Dazu haben wir maximal 3 Auswahlmöglichkeiten.

Wählen Sie nun aus, in welcher Preisgruppe sich Ihr Fahrzeug befindet. Dazu haben wir maximal 4 Auswahlmöglichkeiten. 

Das Beispiel zusammengefasst:

Ihr zu begutachtendes Fahrzeug steht in Ihrem Land indem Sie Wohnen. In diesem Fall Deutschland. 

Ihr Fahrzeug darf maximal 15 Jahre alt und nicht teurer als 30.000€ sein.

Select whether the vehicle to be inspected is located domestically (in your country) or abroad.

Secondly, select the country the vehicle is located in. You can choose from all countries in which we offer our service.

Now select which age group your vehicle is in. We have a maximum of 3 options to choose from.

Now select which price group your vehicle is in. We have a maximum of 4 options to choose from.

The example summarized:

The vehicle you are inspecting is located in the country where you live. In this case, Germany.

Your vehicle must be no more than 15 years old and not cost more than €30,000.